#1: Avoid products that contain high-fructose corn syrup Consuming products with large doses of high-fructose corn syrup allows for it to become a toxin in the body. In the chemical process of making HFCS, glucose and fructose are bonded naturally. Upon separation, these two chemicals separate, allowing for fructose to build up in the liver, causing various amounts of diseases. The most common disease associated with an excess build up of fructose in the liver is called lipogenesis. This fat build-up in the liver increases chances of heart attacks, strokes, cancer, dementia, and developing Type 2 Diabetes. According to Dr. Mark Hyman, M.D., a research conducted estimated that the yearly HFCS intake by Americans has increased from about 20 teaspoons per person to approximately 140 pounds per person. As a result from this statistic, liver-lipogenesis has become one of the most common diseases in America affection over 90 million people. Also, recent research shows that traces of mercury are found in Chloralkali, an ingredient used to make HFCS. Overtime, a build up of heavy metals like such in the body can cause a lot of health problems to arise. As suggested by Dr. Mark Hyman M.D., “Cut the high fructose corn syrup from your life forever. You'll be healthier. Our planet will be healthier. And we'll have a healthier generation of children.” Rule #2: Drink the spinach water Drinking spinach water has many benefits for the body such as; reduction in cholesterol levels, herbal treatment for jaundice and liver problems, treatment for indigestion and constipation, protection against heart disease, beneficial for the eyes, and helps to rejuvenate skin. Research conducted on lab rats shows that drinking spinach water reduces cholesterol and Triglyceride levels. This is because it contains high levels of lutein which cut down cholesterol invaders that cause clogging of the arteries. It is used as a herbal treatment for jaundice and l