
Human Rights and Sexual Abuse

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The novel “Mandela’s Way – Lessons on Life, Love and Courage,” by Richard Stengel, has taught me the Afrocentric concept of “Ubuntu”. Ubuntu is the way of life. It is a sense that we are humans only through the humanity of others and if we were to accomplish anything in this world, it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievement of others. Ubuntu is the simple notion that, a person is only a person because of other people. We must provide others with outmost compassion, hospitality, openness, gentleness, respect, kindness, equality and freedom they deserve. Just being someone of flesh, does not determine how much of a human one really is. In our society, we are responsible for every individual because we are a group of people living together sharing the same values, traditions and living together in harmony. In Nelson Mandela’s novel, his son has asked him why he wouldn’t spend the night at home. Mandela responded “Other children need me more than you do son”. Mandela fought for what he believed was right and created a better society for the future generation. We are always encouraged to see the good in every individual because no one is born evil. Those who seem evil have probably not lived in a society that follows and believes in the concept of Ubuntu. In a society of Ubuntu, Mandela tells us to become friends with our enemies because, the chances are that we would see the good in each other and become friends. Ubuntu teaches us that we give people the rights they are entitled to. In our class, we spoke about Sandra Lovelace who, was married to a white man but her marriage ended in a divorce. When she came back home to live on Tobique Reservation, she was not allowed. According to the Canadian Indian Act, an Indian women who married a non-Indian man loses her Indian status and loses access to services such as; education, housing and social assistance and she is not allowed to own a home or live on the reserve. She lost her identity, dignity and equality as a human being because, she was married to a white man. Yes, I do admit we don’t live in a racist society but that doesn’t mean there is no racism or discrimination. In class we watched the film “Towards A Just Society”, which showed us that First Nations were taken out of their homes and placed into war camps for more than 4 years, without heat and privacy. I have rights because you have rights and if you don’t than my rights are undermined. Power is maintain through the careful cultivation of ignorance and we are made to believe that there is nothing we can do to form a better society. Yes, as an individual we can’t do much but as a collective, we can bring about change and instill the concept of Ubuntu which outlines how our society must function for the benefit of everyone. We are humans and as humans we are protected under The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Human rights and freedom are essential for democracy to prevail. Our charter ensures that our rights and freedoms are respected and honored in all levels of government. Our charter guarantees that, every individual is equal before and under the law. We have the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination based on; race, origin, color, religion, sex, mental and physical ability and age. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is a declaration adopted by the Nations General Assembly, in December 1948. It declares that human rights are universal, to be enjoyed by all people, no matter who they are or where they live. It includes civil and political rights, like the right to life, liberty, free speech and privacy. The United Nation represents our International Law. According to the international law, we are presented with 3 cardinal principles that all human rights are situated on; (1) The Right to Dignity, (2) The Right to Equality and (3) The Right to Freedom. It does not matter what race you are, what your gender is or what economic class you are as, human rights are inalienable – no one can take them away from you. According to the film “ The Real Eve”, not only is Africa the birth place of the human race but, we are descendants of the genetic eve. Ubuntu is the way people should live and it emerges from the 3 cardinal principles. By respecting every single individual, we give them their dignity. By treating them with absolute fairness and consider them as an equal, we are giving them their equality. The equality we give someone, is their freedom to think, act and speak in the way they desire as long as they don’t show hate or provide harm. Ghandi once said “ The greatness in humanity does not come from being human but in being humane”. Our human rights is contingent on the human rights of others. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, outlines article 29; we have rights and article 30; we have obligations. Human rights are not absolute because, it may trample my human rights but

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