
Stereotyping Women in Television Advertisements

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From previous research done, it can be concluded that there is the existence of stereotypes and within the coexistence of our lives. Many individuals do act on the basis of these stereotypes as they considered acceptable socially. In consideration to these when individuals think of a cleaner of the house, a woman is the only picture that comes to their mind. These can be attributed to what researchers said were housewife’s who are happy. These pictures can be viewed as the result of the sprouting up of the rampant use of the women as stereotypes in most of the advertisements in the media. The main purpose of this study is to investigate the using of women as stereotypes in the media such as television. Basing on this people are bombarded with pictures and slogans while watching TV through advertisements. Individuals tend to memorize the slogans while absorbing the pictures without even having a second thought. According to research done in the past, the most findings from cultivation studies and media are that the rise of viewing of the television is linked to views and perspective of stereotypes of women. Most of the viewer’s hold the world’s reputation on the basis of what they view. Basing on the outcome of these this research I can argue that the average American viewers can over seven hours be on the TV within a day (Bretl and Cantor, 1988). The stereotyping of women in these advertisements is a very crucial part that needs to be analyzed and investigated keenly. Individuals can then have the view of the world on the basis of what they see on the TV. The theory of cultivation has the suggestion that the process of learning and persuasion may result even without deliberation. The admission of people to the power of advertising, it becomes clear for the argument of the happy housewife image as it works well for all the advertising agencies. The stereotype if it convinces the people it depicts that the product of the advertise

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