Traffic accidents are becoming a very global problem, due to the number of cars in roads and the main affected group in Canada in the past years have been the young adults. Further steps must be taken to ensure the security of every individual. For this reason, the government is opposing a new legislation that will protect young adults of 21 years and under from this accidents, this legislation puts a strict ban on drinking and driving for this young adults. This problem has been going on for decades and although it cannot simply be abolished it can be prevented and decreased. The main purpose is to ensure the safety of all individuals and most importantly young drivers. Although, some of this young adults have been taking the proper precautions there are exceptions and something should be done those exceptions. In addition, some young adults might argue that they are being discriminated but they should understand that this legislation is to ensure that they can drive through the streets with no dangers, making them be able to reach home safe. Young adults need to understand that although they do not agree with the age that is being enforced it is to avoid the consequences and might come in the future, and to stop any unforeseeable events that could potentially happen due to impaired driving. Therefore, this new legislation should be enforced to young drivers and they should only be allowed to drive with a blood alcohol content of zero to ensure their safety and avoid future consequences that reckless actions may cause. Safety The primary purpose for this new legislation is to ensure the protection of the public and the safety of young drivers. In order for individuals to be safe and protected laws must be established, banning the intake of alcohol drinks for any driver of 21 years or younger, will ensure that young adults will be attentive when driving. Some young adult might argue that they take all of the necessary and reasonable precautions that a reasonable person should take. However, what about those young drivers who happen to be reckless and go through accidents that could have potentially been prevented since the beginning, with no risks of losing lives. Res