Human beings often have different qualities at a time. There may even be contradictory qualities. Contradictory qualities are distinctive characteristics that the characters have which are in conflict. I think the two characters that illustrate the contradictory qualities best are John from The Yellow Wallpaper and Grace from Roman Fever. The two characters also illustrated this through their actions when encountering with interpersonal relationships. The first contradicting qualities that Grace Ansley showed are meek and daring. The first contradicts the second because people that are meek often will not fight for what they wanted in an aggressive way because they appeared to be weak. However, Grace Ansley showed that she was daring as well, while the different characters applied to different people. She is meek in a way that she seemed “smaller and paler” when compared with Alida. She showed this quality in her character too. During her conversation with Alida, even though Alida often mocked her, she did not rebut her or act angrily during the conversation. Grace at the same time showed that she was daring when she faced her love to Delphin. She was willing to do anything in order to have something related to Delphin. She “cared for that memory” for him. At that time, pregnancy before marriage is strictly forbidden. It was the social norm that marriage before pregnancy will create social scandal. Still, she went to the Forum though she knew that there was a place that “lovers met there who couldn’t meet elsewhere”. She went there just because of Delphin though it was “far from easy” to get in, which showed how daring she could be for him. Besides, the Roman Fever was a common sickness to people at that time. People might even suffer to death when facing malaria, which is the Roman Fever. At night, the forum gets “deathly cold after sunset” and the Colosseum was “even colder and damper”. However, even Grace had a “delicate throat”, she risked her life just hoping to meet Delphin. As Barbara was a gift from Delphin, Grace was willing to marry Horace even she had no feelings for him. In Alida’s perspective, Grace was having “silly reasons for doing the most serious things”, but at the same time, this showed exactly how daring Grace was because she was wiling to sacrifice the most important thing for the man she loved. The second contradicting qualities that Grace Ansley showed are caring and revengeful. The two are contradicting qualities because caring people that cared about others’ feelings very much. They are willing to think of methods in order to help others’ to feel more comfortable. Revengeful contradicts caring because people think about their own self first before thinking about others. Caring people do not take revenge on others as