I found the essay “Snow White and Her Wicked Stepmother” by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar to be very interesting. They start the essay talking about the story of Lilith, who the catholic believe was Adam’s first wife in the bible. Lilith was the typical woman, not listening to Adam and trying to be the head of the household. This was not the way God had it planned so she was cast out of the garden and turned into a dragon demon. I would have never thought to compare this story to that of Snow White before reading this essay but now I see the comparison between the typical woman and the vision women see of themselves. A woman is taught at a very early age, whether by their mother or by society, that the outward beauty is just as, if not more, important than the inward beauty. You see it in today’s society and apparently many generations before which was the main motif in the story Snow White. Innocents is attractive. Boy sees girl. Boy thinks girl is pretty based on outward appearance. Boy falls in love. Everything is wonderful while the girl is still innocent. She is youthful and sweet. She has no wrinkles, her skin has not been stretched out due to pregnancy. Boy wants to marry girl and live happily ever after. After marriage comes sex, after sex comes pregnancy, after pregnancy comes jealousy, bringing us to the wicked step mother. The innocents is lost. The beauty has been violated. Attention now has to be divided. It is no mistake women feel threatened by other woman and sadly it occurs between mothers and daughters more often than not. I agree with the way Gilbert and Gubar sees the wicked step mother as not being a separate character at all, but the exact same mother that gave birth to snow white. “The real story begins when the Queen, having become a mother, metamorphoses also into a witch – that is, into a wicked “step” mother (pg. 292). This is a good analogy between what happens after the innocents