
Man's Best Friend

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Many people in the United States own or have owned at least one pet in their lifetime. Most of those people are not aware that their little companion may be doing more for them than cleaning up their dropped food and chasing away unwanted house guests. Though people find many reasons not to have a pet, they may change their minds if they knew that having an animal would enhance their quality of life and improve their health in many ways. Pets have proven to help their owners emotionally, socially, and physically by simply doing what they do best, loving. Health is a very important aspect of life and those with loved ones or people counting on them might find peace in knowing that owning a pet is proven to help expand a human’s lifetime and aid in many different health problems. According to James E. Gern, MD, “kids growing up in a home with ‘furred animals’ will have less risk of allergies and asthma” (“What Are Health Benefits of Having a Pet”). Since animals with fur carry dirt and allergens with them throughout the house those things will be introduced to the child more often and it will help to build the child’s immune system and give them more resistance to being sick. Another health benefit of owning a pet is the calming factor they have on not only children but adults and the elderly. Pets are a natural stress relief and by giving the owner something to care for, keep their attention on, and play with helping to reduce extra anxiety. Studies show that playing with a pet causes a person’s body to release “serotonin and dopamine,” natural neurotransmitter in the brain that help the body stay calm and focused (Robinson). There has been a lot of research proving that animals have an amazing effect on human’s health and mind. One study specifically lead us to find that “when people with borderline hypertension adopted dogs from a shelter, their blood pressure declined significantly within five months”(Robinson). Relieving stress and increasing peo

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