In, "1984," by George Orwell, there is evidence of differences between part one and part two. Part One is comprised of an overall dark and pessimistic tone that is developed through Winston's mood, the society he lives in, as well as his attitude toward Julia. In contrast, the tone that is portrayed in part two is much lighter due to the change in Winston's mood, attitude and the recurring location. Orwell's usage of the two distinct tones, provides the reader with a better understanding of the society and surroundings that the protagonist lives in. George Orwell introduces the dark tone of part one through the description of the setting. The novel begins with Winston returning to his apartment complex, called, "The Victory Mansions." One may assume that an apartment with that name would be luxurious. Ironically, the description of the apartment allows the reader to comprehend that the apartment is far from luxurious, considering the fact that, "the hallway smelt of boiled cabbage and old rag mats," (Orwell, 3). As Orwell continues to describe the location of the setting, it is clear that the apartment isn't the only thing that isn't a pleasant place. The majority of the city itself seems to be dark because "there seemed to be no colour in anything except for the posters that are plastered everywhere," (Orwell, 4). The posters that are plastered everywhere, as well as the telescreens that are present in every household, further develop the dark tone, due to the fact that it allows the reader to feel depressed for Winston and the society he lives in. The telescreens remove any sort of privacy for the citizens and, "There was of course no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given movement," (Winston, 4). Additionally, the tone that is present in part two is immensely different in comparison to part one. For instance, the first time that Winston and Julia met up, their location seemed warmer in contrast to how Orwell described the city's apartments and surrounding areas. The area of their first meet up consisted of privacy and the beauty of nature. Everywhere else, there are telescreens present, but in that certain location, they didn't have to worry about being watched. The description of their meetup location's pasture, trees and hills has a warm tone due to Winston's clear love fo