Energy problems around the world have been going on since the beginning of technology. Scientists have and still are researching about the ways to produce energy without polluting the environment with greenhouse gases and global warming. Two of the many scientists that were trying to solve this ongoing worldwide problem by researching about the new form of fusion called, Cold Fusion, were B. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann. However, despite the positive observations made by these two scientists, many errors were made, which led to the criticisms and the disappointments of the public, and the waste of money. Pons and Fleischmann were two determined scientists who were struggling with the obstacles while attempting to succeed the Cold Fusion Reaction. A major error made by Pons and Fleischmann led their own experiments and researches to disappointment and the loss of hope for the new generation of energy. These two scientists hastily claimed their success of generating nuclear fusion at room temperature, also known as the Cold Fusion Reaction. If their claim was true and well tested, a new generation of fusion and energy could have risen. By cold fusion, limitless power could be produced without generating pollutants such as, greenhouses gases. Unfortunately, Pons and Fleischmann were proven wrong. A Brookhaven physicist, Kelvin Lynn, stated that the heat produced might possibly be the result of some more conventional chemical reaction. The major reason for the fault in Pons and Fleischmann’s claim was the lack of evidence and experimenting. One of the most important components of the scientific method is testing and experimenting your observations. However, this factor was completely ignored by these two scientists and led to their incomplete research. Without even completely testing their hypothesis, they claimed their own experiment as a success and publicized their “success” of cold fusion. In conclusion, it is crucial f