Technology according to the Oxford dictionary states that it is the study of machinery, engineering, and how things work. It is derived from the Greek word tekhn? meaning craft or skill. We have come a long way from what they considered to be technology. We are now in a new age with more advanced techniques of doing the everyday normal things. Some of these thing might be to write a letter, to gain knowledge about new things and places, and to spread the knowledge to other places of the world. It has given us a power unlike any other, which can be interpreted to be either good or bad. Like I always say a positive cannot exist without a negative and vice versa. In this case the downfall may be that we may be assessable to too much information and may not be able to process the information properly without guidance. To state my feeling I would say that the SVG government did the best thing ever by allocating to each child a laptop. In the schooling system technology can work wonders with the right direction. It can allow teachers to grab the attention of their student to teach whatever content is relevant to their class. Instead of delivering a dull lesson the teacher can deliver one full of color, sound, and vigor to help their students to relate to the materials or the materials relate to them. A next advantage to having technology in the classroom is that it allows them to experience the cultures of different races, regions and countries. With the use of the internet and a computer, tablet, and any other internet accessible device students can sit in the comfort of their classrooms and view a performance being done in another place; not just another place but some other country than their own. With this internet capability the children are taught to analyze data received from viewing various media and interpret correctly what the meaning of the particular thing is, for instance if a video is shown let’s say on mermaids after that vi