Cultural identity can be defined as our sense of belonging to a particular culture or ethnic group. The movie ‘Bend it Like Beckham’ written, directed and produced by ‘Gurinder Chadha’ and the related text ‘Integrated’ by ‘Sylvia Kantaris’ talks about how culture creates a person’s identity in society. Bend it like Beckham is a British-Indian movie and has a main focus on a young Sikh-Indian girl, Jesminder. The movie deals with a variety of themes by showing Jess to have a desperate want of playing football against the wish of her parents who want her to finish her education, learn to cook proper Indian meals and settle down by marrying a nice Indian boy. The themes of this movie go parallel with the related text by talking about a Greek Women who has migrated to Australia but is not wanting to integrate into Australian culture as she is scared of losing her Greek culture. Bend it like Beckham portrays cultural identity as a source of both comfort and conflict. This is shown by a series of language and film techniques for example camera shots, soundtracks, clothing, celebrations and language use. The engagement scene is one of the major scene showing comfort in the film. This scene shows the family being proud of their culture and religion. Their culture and religion is explored in this film through their beliefs, rituals, cuisine, dressing, respect to elders and traditional role of women. The Engagement scene starts with a close up shot of the Indian sweets depicting the happiness in their celebrations. The soundtrack in this scene shows their sense of belonging to their culture as it is composed with musical instruments such as the Flute and the drum which are among the most famous and traditional instruments for such songs. As Jess is offering sweets to the guests one of the elderly lady says, “It will be your turn soon! Do you want a clean shaven boy like you sister or a proper Sikh with a full beard and a turban” indicating their cultural belief of their kids marrying in the same culture. The scene then goes along with a full shot of people sitting in close proximity to each other showing togetherness and equality. All the ladies are wearing the same type of clothing and some amounts of gold symbolizing their happiness being a part of the celebration. Also the facial expressions of everyone present there indicates happiness. The Son-in-law is then given a religious bangle which is