Life expectancy in every part of the world is different because of many different factors. The biggest factor contributing to a higher or a lower life expectancy rate is where you are born and the socio-economic status you are born in. Social economic status has a big impact on how long and how well you will live. As the question even states that the life expectancy in Canada is 82 compared to the life expectancy of Afghanistan, which is 47, a difference of 30+ years. This is a huge difference and this difference occurs because of the modern health care and the socio-economic status one enjoys in Canada. Human security is a big question in today’s world. Weather someone is safe or not when they step out of their house is a big problem and in developing nations like Afghanistan this concern is even higher. Afghanistan is currently a war zone and the rebel forces are fighting with the NATO forces constantly as a result many military men die but moreover the causalities that civilians face can not even be ignored. Life expectancy in Afghanistan takes a huge hit because of this factor also roadside bombing is very common there due to which many civilians die and on average the life expectancy goes down. Afghanistan being a war zone even entails another problem that is that due to bombings radiation levels are also really high because of which many new born children are given birth with many different problems and diseases which hurts their mortality rate and many children succumb to their diseases at a early age and who survive do not lead a very prosperous life. Another reason why Canada has such a high life expectancy rate is their modern health care facilities because of the modern health care facilities and educated doctors and modern facilities and medicines. When someone becomes a patient in Canada they are in good hands and due to the medicines it is high unlikely that they will die that easily. Diseases such as dengue, malaria