Today, we are living a globalized world and people are gathered from all over the world. It seems like our society is very diverse and colorful However, at the same time, culture and communities create the “other” which makes people distinguish from each other. In American society, white people are more dominant than people with different colors because they built the country and culture. Also, majority of white people are from middle class. Therefore, subconsciously they have sense of superiorities. Besides, these people have power to decide what rules and standards are in our society because they want to get totally control so that they are able to maintain their status, people who do not reach their standards and rules are treated as “other” and stereotyped badly. One example is from Hartigan’s “The Baseball Game”, when his family had a baseball race with African Americans, he realized there are some significant social class conflicts between whites and blacks no matter how their financial conditions ”. Becky as a white girl, she was from wealthy white family and grew up in rich community. Since then, I believe that she rarely associated with black people and she treated all blacks are low class and treated them “other”. That’s why she was very uncomfortable when a little black man was just close to her during the game. Also, Becky’s boyfriend, little Jerry is influenced by Becky a lot. When they arrived to the baseball field they tried to avoid Jerry’s friends and sat away from them. All of these actions make me realized that both Becky and little Jerry tried use racism to distance themselves from this low income family. Unlike Becky, David was from low- mid income family and he also mentioned that there was no way that he could play with blacks. In my opinion, I think the reason was he had superiority as a white man and treated himself sort of higher class than blacks. David, little Jerry and Becky’s