Freedom of Speech to me is being able to express yourself however you so choose, without you being penalized because, you said something someone powerful did not like. I do not feel it is a myth, if someone is able to burn the American flag, which so many people find disrespectful and that action be labeled “freedom of speech.” I definitely feel it is not a myth. The basis of freedom of speech comes from the first amendment which is in the bill of rights. I feel like people are entitled to the way they feel and sometimes you cannot help but to feel the way you feel, but I think it is not necessary to say everything that comes to mind. As adults we should be held accountable for what we say just like we are held accountable for everything we do. So no, people should not be able to say whatever they want to say regardless of consequence. Knowing that there are consequences for speech as well, people should just be prepared for the backlash if they are bold enough to make the statement. You cannot go running with your tail tucked between your legs once someone comes for you. There will always be someone with a strong rebuttal. This does not necessarily make either opinion wrong, but it can open eyes to different mindsets or angles. Everyone’s life experiences have molded their thoughts into their personal truth. I think political speakers should be able to speak their minds. There are some political leaders who just say what they feel to be politically correct. These, “politically correct,” statements are not completely truthful, and were made to attain certain positions. I have often heard that politics is filled with liars, scheming to seize anything and everything. I feel most of these positions were attained through deceit, but if they are speaking their minds there is no telling what could happen. I feel more people would tune in to politics if they felt truth was being spoken. I would vote for someone I felt was telling t