
Sexism in Music Videos

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The music videos that are on television today and on the internet show an image that is far from reality. Women are shown as very weak and unable to fend for themselves, especially against a man’s advances. This is not a good message to send out, especially if younger children are seeing these videos. Women and girls have so many good qualities and abilities and it is a shame that through these music videos they are shown to be weak and vulnerable. The women in the music videos are always being cheated on or abused in some way. If a woman is not going through these ordeals she is seen as a sex object. The women are sexually objectified, and to represent women as strictly sexual objects is wrong for so many reasons. The woman should embrace her sexuality and who she is as a woman, but not in a manner to be put on display and flaunted for the lusty eyes of men. A woman should be able to choose whom she is desirous for and whom she wants to pursue. Women should not feel as though they have to be sexual in order to be heard. The current music videos however encourage girls and women to flaunt only the sexual sides of themselves. These videos do not show women as being empowered, or intelligent, or of good character. They are often the victims of men’s’ abuse and ridicule within these videos. This then tells a generation of females that they have no worth unless they are submissive and offer themselves as a means of sexual gratification to others. You never see the women in these videos taking charge over the men, they never stand up to the men and they always, no matter what abuse may be shown in these videos, always take the man back. Women in today’s music videos are never seen as independent and self-assured and this helps to create a generation of scare and unable women. They are unable to say no, they are unable to take a stand, they are unable to see themselves as more than just sexual objects. The men in tod

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