
Humanity and the Internet

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The internet has drastically changed the world in the past couple decades. In today’s society, Americans view the internet as a necessary and vital tool to function on a daily basis. The world is becoming increasingly dependent on the internet, which can yield negative effects on our well-being. There is no evidence showing that our dependence will change in the near future. While the internet has opened our world to many opportunities and greater efficiency, it has also posed great danger to Americans in some ways we cannot control. This advancement in technology poses many health risks including obesity in adults, internet addiction disorder and social isolation in young adults, and sleep deprivation in adolescents. Due to the internet’s essential role in society today, more people are living a sedentary lifestyle that could ultimately lead to many hazardous medical conditions. As Jonathan Matusitz and John McCormick, social workers at Nicholson School of Communication, stated, “As with all addictions, less productive activities are substituted for normally productive activities. Internet use is clearly an activity that does not require physical exertion and has been considered a poor substitute for what would otherwise be physical activities. It stands to reason that any endeavor or pursuit that excessively encourages physical inactivity would likely encourage obesity” (Jonathan and John 2012). There is a direct correlation between the amount of internet usage on a daily basis and adult’s health problems. As adults continue to use the internet more and more, concerns of obesity and other diseases such as coronary disease, stroke, hypertension and osteoporosis begin to develop. This shows that the internet can cause a lifetime of unfavorable health conditions and diseases. As the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health indicated, “Obesity is a lot more deadly than previously thought. Across recent decades, obesity accounted for 18 percent of deaths among Black and White Americans between the ages of 40 and 85.” Avoiding physical activities invoke a greater risk of death from obesity or being overweight. This demonstrates a pattern created between using the internet and obesity and other health problems. The pattern associated with this issue will, in the long run, increase the share of deaths and reduce the life expectancy of Americans. Being introduced to the internet can cause a person to be so interested that it can become an addiction. As author Chennan Liu stated, “Internet addiction also called problematic Internet use or impulsive-compulsive Internet usage disorder, has emerged as an important social problem in recent years, particularly among young people. The rate of individuals potentially experiencing Internet addiction is estimated to range from 8% to 14% among Internet or video game using adolescents throughout the world” (Chennan 2011). Internet addiction can lead to internet addiction disorder, which interf

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