
Uncondional Love

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A mother’s love is one of the most important things in the world. But the unconditional love that the mother provides is something that every child needs in there life to grow healthy and knowing that providing unconditional love is one of the mot important things ever. In the Secret Life of Bees written by Sue Monk Kidd, shows that unconditional love is needed in a young girls life and they need someone somebody who willing enough to give it to them. Lily the young girl in this novel has a lack of unconditional love in her life and has nobody willing enough to give her that love because of her mother death recently. Since her mothers death she feels that there isn’t anyone in the world that could replace her mother and give her the love she doesn’t even know that exists and if there is she thinks that no one in the world will be able to provide that to her. Lily later realizes that unconditional love can come from anyone who is willing enough to provide it. August is one of the most important women who were able to provide Lily with the unconditional love she needs. August showed in many ways that she was willing to provide Lily with unconditional love she desperately needed even if it wasn’t obvious. One of the ways that August was providing Lily with her unconditional love was providing Lily with a new home right away even if she had no idea who she was. Along the way August provided Lily with advice about life and what happens in this world, which shows that even if Lily wasn’t her daughter she was still willing to teach her about this world and provide her with her knowledge of it. Which shows that she is willing to provide Lily with unconditional love she needs. One of the biggest actions that August showed to prove that she willing to provide Lily with the unconditional love she needed was waiting for Lily to come to her to talk about her mother, instead of August asking Lily first. Even though it doesn’t looks li

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