“What is that sound?, sound like a train in movement. And why are all those people screaming? Are they afraid, or having fun?" These were my thoughts the very first time I went to Six Flags Mexico, and it's also one of the oldest memories I have. My parents took me there for the first time when I was almost two years old. The only thing I remember is Bugs Bunny taking a peek inside my stroller and my dad telling me to say hi. I started remembering this when I was in my early teenage years, I guess that watching Looney Tunes cartoons was what triggered my memory. Like this memory, I have many more, some are clearer than others and even “longer” than this one. Any sense can trigger a memory, even smelling certain scents take me back to a specific day or event. For example, whenever there’s a strong scent of something natural, like a plant, I remember my elementary biology teacher. She used to wear a perfume that smelled like nature in a bottle. But whenever I smell paella, it brings back both funny and bad memories. My family had gone to Costco to buy a paella for a Saturday get-together and when my mom heated it in the oven, it made the entire house stink, it was a bad batch or something, but I remember we had to get out of the house for hours until the smell had gone down. As for hearing, I guess that music is what has the most impact for me and helps me remember, or sounds like crickets remind me of late nights at the beach in Cancun. Taste is probably the funnest one, because it catches you off guard. Even though you may think you know exactly how something tastes, it can go a lot differently. For me, whenever I have a hot white chocolate with mint at Starbucks I remember several Christmas dinners. When I touch one of my favorite sweatshirts, I always remember how my mom stuck it in the dryer and it became all starchy. When I see a girl with a peach blouse or accessory I immediately think of my mom and how that is her favo