Facebook has brought about many changes in today’s society. People in the present society have pages and on Facebook. Currently, many people have used Facebook at work, at home, or during the day. I agree that people should use Facebook for many reason such as ease communication, making friends and using for education. For example, according to the author, “Several previous studies found increases over the generations in both self-esteem and narcissism. These new experiments suggest the increasing popularity of social networking sites may play a role in those trends,” (Campbell 1). Thus, Facebook has many great tools. Facebook has become the most popular to use among people across the world . In addition, it would be used as communication. For example, some people use Facebook to be connected with family and friends easily. According to the author, "Facebook can be a fun and healthy activity if users take advantage of the site to stay connected with family and old friends and to share interesting and important aspects of their lives." In other words, using Facebook has a good advantage if we use it on the right way. Some people may say that not every location has network. Also, we need to be connected most of the time to communicate with our friends. They might be right in some ways; however, they could use laptops or desktops instead of phones. Furthermore, they may go to coffee shop or any places that have a network to use Facebook. They do not need to be connected most of the time; they could receive their messages offline. Facebook has been developed to be the best chose to communicate. Facebook is a big social network. It has many benefits in our social life. By Facebook we can get friendship easier than before . For instance , we can search for friends that we know in school, university, or, work. Moreover, we could view their profile which include a lot of information such as their favorite sports, hobbies, and educat