?Upon deciding what piece of music to write about it was very difficult to decide, since before taking this class the only classical musician I knew was Beethoven. However, I came across the planets. So I decided to give I try. It just took a play button, which transported me into a world of mystery. As the symphony started with mars I felt as though I was going in a space ship of those that came on the star wars saga. It as the song progressed it felt as though there was a battle in space. Listing to this while in the dark made it easier for me to see what was really happening. I can see bullets fly by me closer and closer, until this bullet hit me and the ship pieces disperse into space as the song did too. There is a moment of silence when am awaken in to the world of lord of the rings. I see my self at the elves garden standing in the castles balcony looking at the roses. As the piece keeps going I see my black clouds covering the horizon, with darkness and mystery upon. For some reason there is a sense of peace even though at some parts it feels as thought there is a war about to start. This made me feel like this was countering, like they say after the storm the sun will come out. Next was mercury a dangerous.t first it felt as thought I was running away from someone or something. But it doesn’t feel like I’m running away from something dangerous. As the piece kept going I started to see why I was running, I was running like Bambi in the Disney movie. I can see birds and butterflies, flying on top of my head in circles. I started to run with the birds faster and faster making my war across a big green field. I don’t know why this image comes to my heard but as keep listening a can see a lot of animals running too. They are jumping across the green field. Jupiter starts and with it I start to remember my grandma back home. I can see her coming in from a long trip. I can see her coming closer to me bringing nothing but a