Charles Darwin was born in Shrewsbury England on February 12th 1809. His Father Robert Darwin was a wealthy well established doctor while his mother Susannah Darwin, was a successfully established financer. The Darwin’s followed the religious beliefs of the Anglicans and baptized their son Charles in St. Chad’s Church. Unfortunately Charles Darwin’s mother had died when he was only 8 years old. Losing his mother at such a young age was not easy for young Charles to handle, but with the support of his father and his five other brothers and sisters, he was able to persevere through these tough times. “During Charles’s young adulthood, he began to take a vast interest in the study of medicine. The summer before attending the university of Edinburg medical school, Charles Darwin participated in an apprenticeship with his father. Following the apprenticeship Charles and his brother Erasmus attended this medical school,” (Darwin). Once Darwin began his studies he lost interest in medicine. He found the lectures dull and the idea of performing surgery to be quite distressing. Instead of putting his efforts into his studies, Darwin decided to join the Plinan society. This was a student natural history group that debated over natural materialism. As a result of Darwin’s priorities his grades began to suffer drastically. His father Robert had no tolerance for his son’s mayhem and decided to remove him from medical school and send his to Christ’s college of Cambridge. While enrolled at Christ’s College of Cambridge, Charles obtained a bachelors degree of Arts, and continued to study and analyze natural science and evolution. “Shortly after graduating College, Charles Darwin was asked by one of his colleges if he would like to join them on a voyage they were about to take part on upon the HMS Beagle” (About Darwin). The voyage was navigated by Captain Fitz Roy and was intended to last only two years. The initial purpose of the voyage was to chart out the coast line of South America. As a result of Darwin’s father still being bitter of his son’s lack of interest in medicine, he initially was furious at the idea of Darwin attempting this voyage and would not allow it. After further consideration and some convincing from his brother in-law, he caved in and funded his son’s voyage. Darwin ecstatically began to prepare for his voyage until there prolonged day of departure on December 27th 1831. This voyage wound up lasting five years instead of two. “Throughout the five years of the voyage, Darwin spent most of his time on land, making natural history collections. One of the first places that the ship stopped at was Santiago. Darwin went ashore an observed that there was a horizontal band of white shells within a cliff facing along the shoreline of Porto Praya. The interesting part of this discovery was that the white shells were forty five feet above sea level. Darwin