In the poem “Standing Female Nude”, Carol Ann Duffy gives a new perspective on society through the eyes of this female prostitute. The poem challenges the concept of contemporary art by presenting it through the voice of a lower class woman. Duffy uses the speaker to demonstrate the class injustices inherent in the society as well as the issues raised in the objectification of women. From the beginning of the poem the reader is informed that the woman is of the lower class. She is committed to “six hours” work “for a few francs” (line 1). Also, when the speaker states on line 21, “both [the artist and the woman] poor, we make our living how we can.” The woman sells her body for money because the woman’s only concern is “with the next meal”(line 9) signifying her desperate need of money for survival. While the artist, thought to be Georges Braque, is concerned “with volume [and] space,” (line 8) suggesting how his only concern is the painting. After establishing that the both the painter and the woman are of lower status, the woman goes on to think to herself about the “bourgeoisie [who] will coo at such an image of a river-whore” (line 6). Duffy uses the term “bourgeoisie” with a Marxist sense to highlight the class inequalities in society. According to the speaker the “bourgeoisie” have the privilege of deciding what is considered “Art” (line 7). Duffy capitalizes the word art to reflect the model’s sarcastic attitude towards the opinion of the affluent bourgeois society. Not only does the poem focus on the class struggles, but it also targets gender inequalities; even the title itself objectifies the woman as simply a standing nude, completely impersonal. When the artist paints the woman he “drains the colour from [her]” (line 3) and “possesses [her] on canvas” (line 18). Thus, demonstrating his superiority by drain[ing] her of colour he is ultimately draining her of power and li