
Suicide - A Goodbye Too Soon

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“Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem.” The purpose of this ad is to show everyone that committing suicide is a very serious problem around the world today. According to the Centre of Disease Control and Prevention, it has been reported that suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death in Americans and the third leading cause of death for people 15 to 24 years of age. This advertisement is intended for teens and adults because as you grow older you begin to have a better understanding about suicide, and its outcomes. Suicide is not only affecting younger children, but also it is affecting adults. Without the proper awareness and prevention methods, the suicide rates will continue to increase, while lives will continue to decrease. The colors of this advertisement represent it very well. The orange background represents demand of attention. Someone who has suicidal thoughts is someone who has a lack of attention or they have negative attention. Negative attention can consist of bullying, abuse, fear, depression, or even self harm. The color black in this advertisement also fits the ad well. Black stands for unhappiness, mourning, and sadness. I have personally been through a death by suicide and it was very sad and emotional. Before a person commits suicide their mood completely changes. They become silent and they no longer act like their normal self. They become unhappy, but oftentimes don’t have the courage to speak up and say how they are feeling. They feel that the help they need is unavailable, when in reality it’s the tiniest gesture that can change someone’s mood. The need to escape the real world is almost a necessity when it comes to having suicidal thoughts. People begin to have these thoughts because something traumatic may have happened to them and they are sick and tired of dealing with it day in and day out. Imagine living with that agony of waking up and going to sleep with these thoughts

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