Introduction The behavior I opted to observe was how people park at work. I work for a non-profit organization and routinely hear how kind and considerate our staff is. I thought it would be an interesting to see if my co-workers were inherently considerate, or if they were possibly engaging in self-presentation. We have 107 employees, 10 of whom ride the train. Our parking lot is private, but the spaces are small. We have more than enough spaces for all of our employees plus visitors. I expect that I will find that my co-workers are considerate when parking their vehicles. Method Participants: 97 employees of United Way of Metropolitan Dallas ranging in age from 20 to 73. To simplify data collection I broke participants into two categories; under 50 and over 50. Materials and Procedure In order to observe how people park I arrived by 7AM each day. On Tuesday, I arrived at 7AM and found an open parking spot on the second floor where I could see each of the available parking spaces and observe each person as they got out of their car while remaining unobserved myself. As each person arrived I recorded whether they parked head in, back in, and if they used one space or more than one space. On Wednesday, I arrived at 7AM and found an open parking spot on the third floor where I could see each of the available parking spaces and observe each person as they got out of their car while remaining unobserved myself. As each person arrived I recorded whether they parked head in, back in, and if they used one space or more than one space. On Thursday, I arrived at 7AM and found an open parking spot on the fourth floor where I could see each of the available parking spaces and observe each person as they got out of their car while remaining unobserved myself. As each person arrived I recorded whether they parked head in, back in, and if they used one space or more than one space. Since I know each person I was able to record data accordi