What is Reality? How does one face reality? Can an illusion be someone’s reality? In the story Miss Brill, written by Katherine Mansfield, an elderly woman does her weekly visit at a park on a Sunday. Miss Brill, the elderly women, enjoys the environment and watching the bands performance. Most of all, she is able to listen in on others conversations. Through actions, personal thoughts, and setting helps with the character development of Miss Brill. The authors use of actions help with the character development of Miss Brill. It all starts when she pulls her fur coat out of the box and “rubbed the life back into the dim little eyes. (Miss Brill 583)” Here Mansfield has allowed Miss Brill to personify the cur coat by giving it emotion and life, when in reality, it just an object. Throughout the story, Miss Brill is continuously caressing the fur coat, or finding life within the inanimate object. Further demonstrating that she greatly lacks human interactions, and can only find the little interaction with listening in on other peoples conversations. Another example would be when Miss Brill is at the park, a man asks her if she is an actress. “An actress are ye..”, “Yes, I have been an actress for a long time.” She willingly plays the part of the actress although she is not one. This further demonstrates that she is unable to face reality, and allow others to know the real her. The reader’s thoughts of Miss Brill help with character development of Miss Brill. “Oh, how fascinating it was! How she enjoyed it! How she loved sitting [t]here, watching it all!(Miss Brill, 584)” Miss Brill's habit of visiting the park every Sunday helps her to endure with the loneliness she feels. The reader is able to see how much she enjoyed being in the park. The reader was also able to get the sense that her going out weekly and being around others helps her leave behind the “little dark room” she lives in at home. Miss Brill shif