Zeke Midas Wolf is one of the most menacing, malicious, deceiving antagonist in the world of folk tale but you know him as "The Big Bad Wolf". He has made an appearance in many stories such as; "The Three Little Pigs", "Little Red Riding Hood", and another commonly told story "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Although he has appeared in multiple stories they all depict him so similar. In The Little Pigs the wolf is a terrorizing character. His ultimate goal is to fool, catch and eat the pigs. He also just likes catching them to get The Three Little Pigs into trouble. Wolf usually goes after the weaker of the three which is the younger two, as they are foolish therefore easier to capture. His powers and abilities in this short story are huffing, puffing and speed. The wolfs weapon of choice is the mallet. However his fate forever remains the same in this tale, The Three Little Pigs running him out thier territory. Overall he has a callous attitude toward the pigs. The Big Bad Wolf is the master of disguise when it comes to the story The Little Red Riging Hood. This story shows Wolf as a man eating monster. Red is walking to her grannys with a basket full of wine and bread. Wanting to devour the young girl the wolf stalks her behinfd patches of tall grass and trees. At last the wolf approaches Red to ask where she is going. As naive as she is, Red tells the wolf where she is off to. Being the wolf Zeke is, Wolf suggests Red should pick flowers to greet her grandmother with. She does just that. In the meantime, he is on his way to the grannys house. Where he then swallows her whole, disguises as granny and waits for Red. When Little Red Riding Hood finally arrives, she notices her "grandmother" looks a little stange. Red begins to ask why grannys voice is so deep and why her eyes, hands and mouth are so large. At this point Wolf is jumping out of grannys bed, and swallows Red whole. The end of this story if a filling moment for Zeke Midas Wolf.