I am interested in the developmental stages especially during the teen years, because in the future I hope to work with adolescents. I plan to be a high school counselor, in order for me to be a great high school counselor I need to understand teens, and view their perspective in life. Erick Erikson was a developmental psychologist, and is best known as for his psychosocial development. A stage that represents adolescents according to Erik Erikson is identity vs. role confusion. Adolescents in individualistic cultures may try out different “selves” in different situations. They may act out one self at home, another with friends, and another one at school or on the social media. An example of how a teenager may play different roles is maybe in school she or he may be very timid, and doesn’t like to and talk in front of people, but when he or she is at home with their siblings he or she may be social and not be timid. A question that a teen may ask is “Which one is the real me?” Adolescents who integrate into various roles are able to test and solidify a sense of self. For both adolescents and adults, group identities are often formed by how we differ from those around us. An example is how a male is surrounded by women, he may be mindful of his gender identity. Knowing how teens are physically, cognitively, and socially will help be understand and aid the students in the future. Just Get So Angry, emphasizes how adolescents handle their emotions, and how it help teens overcome their difficulties. Timothy and Sandra Bowden problem is that it only focused on boys, which can be an issue because some of the difficulties that some boys have is not the same as for some boys or girl, it also depends on the teenager’s culture and traditions. The article also talks about control, but during this stage of life it’s okay for the teens to feel unable to control of themselves, because it’s part of their exploration. Yes mediatio