Allowing ourselves to use genetic engineering is completely unethical. Years down the road, the government will allow certain cases in humans to alter their genetic coding. Each human being needs to evaluate their moral values and determine what is right. An individual may find it necessary to use genetic engineering to prevent ones offspring from carrying a genetic disease. Much has changed over the last twenty centuries and new scientific developments will change our environment dramatically regardless of one’s opinion. The most pressing obstacle scientist need to complete is altering DNA for individuals with no cure diseases. One may want to develop a family but not want to pass that gene to their offspring. As of today, no one knows the long-term side effects for an offspring created with altered DNA. Will this offspring have a normal life? Will they feel out casted because they are different? The offspring may feel rejection towards the parent because they did not allow nature to take its course. What if a side effect happens that is worse than the disease the parent was carrying? That parent will feel great sorrow and the child may turn away. Human cloning an individual is the most powerful obstacle a scientist can overcome. Scientist can create stem cells that can help an individual repair their own body. Cloning for growing a duplicate human being does not allow nature to take its course. Ones individuality is no longer present. According to Havstad’s opinion, “Discussion of human reproductive cloning ought to involve a careful and balanced consideration of both the relevant aspects of personal liberty – the parents' right to reproductive freedom and the cloned child's right to self-determination” (71). One must carefully consider all viewpoints before cloning for duplicating an individual or offspring. The decision to allow DNA altering for “designer babies” is where the nation must draw the line. One that is nev