Who is an epic hero? An epic hero reflects traits valued by society, fights for a noble cause, is superhuman, often has divine ancestry, and often faces an epic journey or challenge. Keeping these characteristics in mind, when reading the Odyssey, it is hard to deny the portrayal of such qualities in the character of Odysseus. Facing a vast number of challenges ranging from dealing with Cyclopes to sneaking back into his hometown of Ithaca to slay all of the suitors for his wife Penelope, Odysseus maintains a sense of heroism throughout the entire book, regardless of how daunting of a task he faces. Motivated by the desire to return home, the journey he endures allows him to grow into the hero he is thought to be, becoming wiser along the way and having enough courage to embrace any threat thrown his way. There are people who argue against Odysseus as a hero, disputing his judgment and taking into account the selfish or egotistic actions that led to the expense of his men. However, the severity with which he accomplishes and meets certain of those characteristics of a hero, mentioned earlier, outweighs the negative actions he may have taken. Although not seen as a hero by all, Odysseus displays the courage and wit necessary to take claim to the title of being en epic hero. In Book IX of the Odyssey, Odysseus relates a few of the many challenges he has faced thus far in his journey, promptly displaying the importance he places on society’s values through his objectives and actions. He begins his conversation with Alcinous by describing himself, and the way he loves his country. He goes on to mention, “A man can see no country more lovable than his own, and so it is with myself and Ithaca” (Homer, Odyssey 9, pg. 31). This quote reveals the divine love he feels towards his hometown of Ithaca, which parallels with his ultimate goal of getting back home, keeping in mind that his city will be more successful and better led with him as the leader. This thought displays Odysseus’s heroic characteristic of reflecting the traits valued by society, knowing that all of the love he feels towards his hometown and people will ultimately lead to a betterment of their lives if he can reclaim the throne. As he continues talking to Alcinous, Odysseus expands on his love for his country, explaining how he was sought out to be the husband of multiple women already, but how no other woman could warm his heart. He goes on to say, “so true it is that nothing is sweeter to a man than his own country and his own parents, even though he were given a sumptuous dwelling-place elsewhere” (Homer, Odyssey 9, pg. 31). Once again, Odysseus shows his understanding of what his true home is, and his desire to get back to it, regardless of how tempting any offer he receives to live elsewhere may be. He never loses touch of what his actual home brings to him, motivating him even more to get back so he could lead Ithaca in a way that truly reflects the traits valued by s