My favorite activity is spending time with my daughter. She is 20 months old; she takes up all of my time, and I love it. My daughter and I do just about everything together. So I would have to say our favorite activity to do together is dance, we constantly listen to the radio. The reason is I love her to dance, and it also helps her on her coordination as well as mine. I love just watching my daughter dance though she cracks me up she tries her best, but she manages it. I help her along the way attempting to show her a couple of small dance moves. When we go anywhere to the mall or anywhere for that matter if my daughter hears the music she starts to dance. She waves her hands in the air and shakes her booty! I cheer her on and dance with her too, it doesn’t matter where we are we dance! The second reason I like her to dance is I don’t like having her watch a whole lot of T.V, for the fact it seems to be a constant babysitter for many kids and can develop ADD. However, if the television is on, it’s on a music channel or something educational. Some of the shows I will allow to be on are like for example Dora the Explore, Blues Clues, Baby Einstein, and, of course, the Music Channels. I’m not so much a television kind of person I like to be constantly doing something. So television for me is not one of my favorite activities to do. The final reason I would have to say why I love for me and my daughter to dance is we spend a lot of quality time together. Parents these days are a way to busy to know what’s really going on in their children’s lives. I like staying active in my daughter’s daily activities. I want her growing up knowing that no matter how busy I am I will always have time for her. For me, it won’t matter how busy I am or little time I may have I will do everything to be with her in her activities she will be doing as she grows up. So overall our favorite activity is dancing and creates quality time for u