In my view, he was a hyena in a sheep’s skin. As a responsible member of the society, I decided to mobilize other responsible members of our society so that we could punish him for his bad behaviors. We unanimously agreed to beat and expel him from our society in a confidential meeting. He was so heartless because he gave appointments to different women at distinct women. Each visitor stayed for about three hours at his house, and then another female visitor would come soon after the other left. The entire team resolved to acquire solid evidence to acquire solid evidence that Timothy was sleeping with the female clients that frequented his home on daily. In fact, we estimated that between seven and ten women visited his home every day. Each member of the twenty-five member committee contributed a hundred dollars in the first sitting. We agreed to hire the most reputed detective to investigate Timothy. In a week’s time, the detective had acquired adequate proof that we required confronting Timothy. He discovered that Timothy was a renowned philander targeting vulnerable women such as widows, orphans and women enduring abusive relationships. The detective broke in Timothy’s house and set secret video cameras and audio transmitters so that he could audio-visual evidence of the issues that were taking place. In the visual camera the detective set, it had a good view of the entrance and the living room. It covered the large groups of women visiting Timothy’s home daily. Another one showed that each woman who visited Timothy’s home bathing towards the end of the session, a solid evidence that the women were sleeping with him. In fact, some women went straight to the bathroom, changed their regular clothes, and wore loose-fitting gowns, with only their underclothes, before going into another room where they would stay for about two hours. The women left the other room looking sweaty and fatigued as usual with a person who has engage