In the film Beauty and The Beast, Belle's warm smile, light blue attire and desire for knowledge represent virtuous, cordial and intellectual qualities while Gaston’s dark clothing, arched eyebrows and aversion towards readings represents his acute narcissism and self righteous nature. The cultural beliefs and stereotypes of the town are introduced as well through song and dance. The societal norms of the town seem to be very old fashioned: “It’s not right for a woman to read”, and any woman who chooses to educate herself is deemed a social pariah; good looking men are entitled to the women of their choice, beauty is the single most important determination of someone’s worth and anyone who displays signs of deviance towards these norms is considered odd. Introverted and intellectual behavior is so negatively viewed that as Belle reads her book silently and independently, members of the town can’t help to “wonder if she’s feeling well.” The town’s strong implementation of gender roles and high regard for physical appearance, oppress the societies ability to think objectively and question irrational cultural norms perpetuating men's role of dominance and women's submissive nature. This is the reason Belle is belittled for her intellectual interests and indifference towards heteronormative views and Gaston is revered for his strong physical features meanwhile his egomaniacal narcissism is overlooked. Despite the town’s beliefs Disney clearly demonstrates Gaston as villain and Bell as protagonist. The members of the town go as far as associating Belle’ interest of reading with physical and mental illness. They proceed to describe her as peculiar, simply for the fact that she does not follow the town’s conventional method of behavior. Her behavior retaliates traditional views that women should be submissive and men should objectify them in a domineering manner. She reads, she thinks for herself and she is self-suff