Originally Battlefield games were multiplayer only games with this element only changing with the introduction of the Battlefield Bad Company made in 2006 and some may say Battlefield: Modern Combat, thus BF2 was a multiplayer only game with single player played as bots vs bots and you on either team. This type of single player is just like Star Wars Battle Front 1 and 2 which ironically was inspired by the Battlefield series and is now in the process of being made by the makers of Battlefield; DICE. In Battlefield 3 and Battlefield 4 the campaign was marketed as a prominent feature of the game. I never finished the Battlefield 3 campaign because I didn’t enjoy it; most military shooters have fairly generic storyline with the villain being a corrupt man in power seeking more power. The Battlefield 4 campaign similarly followed this trend just as Battlefield 3 had but the General was never revealed in face this, I believe made a major difference in my perspective of the campaign as it encouraged my independent imagination to accompany the story and fill details that in other campaigns would be shared. Instead of being exposed to a ridiculous and extravagantly evil man the game used basic politics to show how power was shifting. As well as this, the other main features of the campaign that seemed to engage me included: the unique theme song, the detail in the character’s faces, better voice acting than in Battlefield 3 (which made it easier to distinguish characters) and the competitive point scoring system and multiplayer unlocks. As good as the campaign was in comparison to Battlefield 3 it’s not really a selling point, the only real reasons for replaying the game would be to increase your high score or get all the collectables apart from that the action and competitiveness and is a more wholesome experience in the multiplayer. Other than this the campaign is only about 6 hours long. With all Battlefield Game the gameplay in mult