In my essay, I would like to argue that America’s popular culture has become so obsessed with mobile technology, which it has developed to symbiotic relationship. Today’s technology has become a part of social phenomenon that is widely accepted by most. We have become so dependent on many types of technologies in our everyday lives, but mostly the mobile types like cell phones, tablets, laptops and other personal assistant devices. Mobile technology has become so embedded in our everyday routine that we may forget on how people did without them in the past. I believe that everyone in our culture today has some type of knowledge on mobile devices because of their own personal use and most people have at least one mobile device with them all day long for school, work, or leisure time. Nowadays, mobile devices are considered to be a preferred way to entertain people of all ages from children to adults because they can be used to watch movies, listen to music or even play video games, but mostly to communicate with others. In schools, mobile devices have become an important aspect in communicating with others, which is the reason that most students need them than rather just simply want to own one. Students may need a laptop to complete their homework, but at a certain point it can become a student’s best friend during their time at school because of the constant use to do projects and homework. Moodle for example, has become a part of the education process because both teachers and students can communicate in regards to coursework. Therefore, student are constantly checking their grades and discussion board, so they are informed of any changes on Moodle through their mobile devices. They no longer have to wait for next class session to ask their professor for more information regarding class work or grades. "There's an app for that," is a popular slogan used by Apple because it does not matter if you are in kindergarten or college, there is some type of piece software that you must have. Technology such as iPads are currently being pushed on to students at an early age in many school districts like Los Angeles Unified School District and others. “The K-12 private education Paideia School in Atlanta now hands out about 550 Apple iPads each year to students for classroom teaching and homework purposes. And while students love them, some parents are now pressing the IT department to restrict use of apps on the devices because they think there's too much game-playing.” (Messmer) Furthermore, the two biggest well-known education organizations and textbook publishers Pearson and Willey, now provide apps on the Apple Apps Store for student to purchase eBook textbooks. Textbooks have become more expensive than ever, so eBooks are a great alternative in saving money. Owning just a couple of eBook textbooks is not enough for some students because they feel the need to own hundreds of other books, so they can have their eBook library with them at all times and may choose to read their book at school, on the bus, or anywhere without having carry a few hand selected printed books. Flash drives have become an accessory to a student like a handbag to a perfect outfit is because people cannot live without being able to save and share documents, music, videos and other things they have created with someone else. Students today find themselves almost lost without some type of technology in their hands because they have become so depended on it. I cannot recall when the last time I did not see a fellow student was walking on campus without a cell phone, tablet or laptop in hand. Some student rely on social media to learn about current trending information such as news or gossip, which can be quickly accessed by their smartphones, laptops or other mobile devic