
Process Analysis Matters

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The Bedford Reader Twelfth Edition by X.J. Kennedy, Dorothy M. Kennedy, Jane E. Aaron, and Ellen Kuhl Repetto. Inside the Bedford reader chapter 8 explains Process Analysis step by step. The Process for writing an effective process analysis, Lists 10 steps a writer should use for the process analysis. Step one, understanding clearly the subject the writer will analyze. Step two after selecting a topic a writer must consider the thesis and question why are they informing the reader about the subject. Step three, preparatory steps if the writer should list any steps they could starts by brainstorming or writing a free-write on the topic. Step four, perhaps making an outline that can be arranged in chronological order depending on the writers’ topic, however some processes are not in an orderly sequence. Step five, the writer needs to make sure they have listed each step without missing any details and place each step in the correct order. Step six, the writer must question themselves if they need to let the reader know of any specific instruction based on the topic. Step seven, the writer needs to help the reader follow the subject without the reader loosing track, a helpful way to aid your reader is using transitioning words and time-markers. Step eight, the write needs to be specific on the topic they have chosen, Step nine, revise, the write must carefully asses their paper. Step ten, this is optional, a write can create a checklist in order to revise the process analysis correctly. In chapter 8 process analysis quotes, “whether it is useful or useless, an effective process analysis can grip readers and even hold them fascinated.” The quote explains, how a writer can write a process analysis effectively by simply telling the readers exactly how the process of a writers’ topic would work. However, a writer could chose to simply argue their point of view but without any recommendations of solutions a writer might lose the attent

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