Obesity is becoming a major health problem in today’s society. A lot of people do not realize the harmful effects obesity can cause to their body and mind. Many people also do not realize that obesity is growing in numbers every single year and it is becoming more dangerous as time goes on. Laura Diamond states in her article that “The number of overweight kids tripled between 1970 and 2000. Today, almost 9 million children-15 percent of kids ages 6 to 19 – are overweight.” This is something that needs to be addressed or else the numbers will keep rising and soon a vast majority of the world will become obese. A hard fact of being obese is that one may stay obese the rest of their lives, and be unable to fight back. Obesity will change the way people perform in their lives whether it being unable to get up in the morning or not being able to play a sport with one’s family member. At the end of the day, obesity will prove to be very devastating for anyone’s life. Obesity is a growing epidemic that should be avoided because it limits physical ability, poses a serious threat to our health, and it is displeasing in general. Some adverse effects of obesity can include limiting physical ability. This means that one will not be able to do many things involving sports or any other activity that involves your body. When people are obese they can become extremely lazy. In Laura Diamond’s article, Theresa Lennox is a girl with obesity who becomes extremely lazy when performing physical activities. “By the time she was in kindergarten, she couldn’t run as fast or for as long as her classmates.” This gives Theresa a reason for her to give up and it changes her attitude about how she looks at exercise. In fact it will actually give her an incentive to become lazy because she will think she is no longer able to participate in physical activities. If one is unable to do the things others can they will feel incredibly depressed about their current situation. Theresa in a way was also losing her enjoyment because she was frustrated she couldn’t keep up with her classmates. If someone cannot do things other people can do that person will be less inclined to take part in any activity related to that subject because they will lose a lot of enjoyment from it and it will just get them angered or depressed. Aside from becoming lazy, obesity can also cause people to become deconditioned and may further result in functional impairments. According to Serena Gordon’s research, these functional impairments “include the inability to bend over to pick something up, walk one- quarter mile, walk up 10 stairs, lift 10 pounds and stand from an armless chair.” This demonstrates the abundance of tasks someone cannot do while obese, putting a limit on the body’s functions. When the function of the body is limited there is a greater risk of becoming injured. According to RTI International’s article, a person’s body mass index correlates to someone’s chances of obtaining an injury. “Our findings show a clear association