Despite the lewd title, Freddy Got Fingered is actually a wonderful movie fit for people of all ages. Well, maybe not all ages. And definitely not for the light-hearted or more timid groups of people. The fact is, Freddy Got Fingered, written and directed by MTV star Tom Green, is chocked full of crude skits and dark humor. Green’s star character is played by himself, of course. Green plays a young adult by the name of Gord Brody who just wants to follow his dreams of being a T.V. show animator. His mind works “differently,” however, and his father, played by Rip Torn, doesn’t understand. The opening scene features Gord skateboarding through a mall and disrupting happy shoppers on his way to meet his parents and little brother, Freddy at the bus stop. Jim (Rip Torn) gives Gord a car so that he can go to Los Angeles to become the wonderful animator he strived to be. Gord happily accepts this car and drives away without a second thought. This is where some people would say the movie went downhill. Once in Los Angeles, Gord got a job at a cheese sandwich factory. His abrupt, creative mind was easily bored standing behind a conveyer belt sticking cheese on bread, however, so he did what any of us would do- get fired for sticking cheese on our head and walking down the conveyer belt! None of the other workers really paid attention to him walking all over the sandwiches, however. In the next scene, Gord goes to a production company hoping to show his sketches to a producer by the name of Dave Davidson (Anthony Michael Hall). When he goes searching for Mr. Davidson, he’s informed that he’s out to lunch. Gord tracks him down and goes to the restaurant Mr. Davidson is at just so he can show his sketches. Mr. Davidson is annoyed by this, obviously, but takes a look at Gord’s sketchbook any way. Mr. Davidson says no to Gord wanting his own show for the sketches, but offers some constructive criticism. He says “You have to get ins