
The Therapeutic Value of Fairy Tales

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In Charles Perrault’s version of “Cinderella,” we read about a kind and sweet young lady whose father takes for his second wife a woman with two daughters of her own. Not long after the wedding the stepmother and stepsisters begin to treat the kind young lady very badly. The stepmother gives the young lady all the hard chores in the house. After she would complete her chores she would sit in the chimney corner among the ashes, thus she was called Cinderwench. The younger and not so mean of the stepsisters called her “Cinderella.” The stepmother and stepsisters tease and belittle “Cinderella” every day, but no one, not even her father says or does anything about the obvious abuse and unjust treatment. Unbelievably “Cinderella” never complains, never asks for help, and really never tries to change her situation. Then one day “Cinderella’s” fairy godmother shows up and magically provides her with a coach, coachman, horses, and footman so she may go to a ball that was to be held by a prince that very evening. “Cinderella” goes to the ball not once, but twice, she lies too and deceives her stepmother, stepsisters, the prince, and practically everyone else she comes into contact with those two nights at the ball and the subsequent days that follow. Nevertheless the prince falls in love with “Cinderella” and they are married. “Cinderella even makes sure that her two stepsisters that treated so cruelly are taken care of by giving them a home and lords of the court to marry. Do these happily ever after situations really ever happen outside of fairy tales? Are these ideas and lessons appropriate for young children? When a parent or caregiver reads a variant of “Cinderella” to their child logically they would not pull out and emphasize on “Cinderella’s” lying and sneaking around. But children are full of curiosity and wonder, and probably more likely to see the lying and sneaky behavior as fun and adventurous unless otherwise told

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