If we were to fold a map of the ancient world in half, would we see symmetry between the two societies of Egypt and Mesoamerica? To answer this question we must dive into the two similar, yet different, ancient complex societies. Although, given the chronological order of our history, these two societies did not prosper or fall at the same time. The Imperial Egyptian Empire, or New Kingdom, lasted from 1500 to 1070 BCE, although the start of the Nile Valleys started in 3000 BCE. The Mesopotamian societies lasted from 1200BCE to 1100 CE. Because of these time differences, we cannot directly compare the symmetry of the two societies, but we can compare their evolution. Both of these societies were considered to be heirs of the preceding societies, Egypt was built on the foundations of the earlier Sudanic peoples while the Maya and Teotihuacan societies were heirs to the Olmecs and built on their foundations. When comparing the two societies of Egypt and Mesoamerica, we will draw from the two Mesoamerican societies of Maya and Teotihuacan. To compare these two complex societies, we will examine their distinctive attributes, as well as their similar ones, through the categories of; Geography and environment, economic developments, social structures, political arrangements, and cultural ideas and interactions. Before we venture into the comparison of these two societies, we will examine their origins. The early Sudanic peoples (5000 BCE) of sub-Saharan Africa pioneered in the cultivation of agriculture taking advantage of the agricultural benefits of the Saharan desert before it was a desert. Because of their agricultural prosperity, they were able to create settlements. These settlements were able to organize themselves and appoint kings to direct them (pg 51). As these kings were considered to be divine beings, at their passing they were buried with their servants. This act was also a ritual practiced by the later Egyptian society. Many centuries later along the Nile river valley, the Nile bestowed the cities of Egypt and Nubia. Because of the rich soil along the Nile, societies such as Egypt were able to cultivate and take advantage of the agricultural opportunities like the earlier Sudanic peoples. Like the Egyptians, the Mayas and the Teotihuacan were built on the foundations of an earlier society. Unlike Egypt, these Mesoamericans took over the rituals and advances of the Olmec (1200 BCE), which were the earliest known inhabitants of Mesoamerica along the coast of what is now the Gulf of Mexico. The Olmec early cultivation of the rich soil and prosperity through agriculture helped increase their population. The increased population led to the erection of many ceremonial centers, irrigation systems, and other symbolic constructions. With many laborers and the creation of sculptures resembling that of what seems to kings, we can assume that the social structure of the early society was authoritarian. With the fall of the Olmec around 100 BCE, the next societies to follow was that of the Mayas and the Teotihuacan. “It is certain that the Olmec cultural traditions influenced all complex societies of Mesoamerica”(pg 110). Now with the understanding of the origins of