There is no doubt that the internet is one of the greatest inventions. The internet is a network that allows all computers from around the world to connect and exchange information. Desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones are all computers that have access to internet connection. Computers have made a positive impact and have made our lives much easier. The internet is a great invention because it has provided us with a vast amount of knowledge, communication has become fast and efficient, and e-commerce improved the ability to make purchases. Computers provide us with a massive amount of information through the use of internet. Any kind of information on any topic you can imagine is available. Instead of traveling to the library and searching through a book, we have information available right at our finger tips in the matter of seconds. Students use the internet for research for the purpose of gathering resources. The computer is a great tool to help further a child’s education. Furthermore, people can pursue online education. This is a great resource that provides the opportunity and knowledge for those unable to receive an education at an institution. The internet does not only provide information but it is also a great source to communicate. Another important benefit is that internet has provided is a fast and efficient method of communication. A few years ago it was difficult to imagine that it would be possible to communicate with people from all around the world so well. Now we can communicate in a fraction of a second at any time of the day. Email has provided students the opportunity to speak to their professors. This is a great advantage in the education world. Also, available to us is a software called Skype. Skype is an application which you can have a spoken conversation with someone through video chat. Having an actual conversation with someone helps to strengthen and maintain your relationship. Lastly, social ne