Everyone goes through times of hardship in life, but not everyone knows how to handle it or how to express what they are going through. Some people look for support in family and friends, others write out their problems and some just keep it to themselves. We need to stop focusing on what can go wrong in life and focus on the good. Bad things happen and it’s okay, we live and we learn from our mistakes. You don’t always need a plan, sometimes you need to have faith and see what happens. No matter what you go through in life, you always need to stay positive too move forward in life. In the novel The Five People You Meet In Heaven author Mitch Albom effectively uses narrative conventions to present the lesson that everyone needs to stay positive during times of hardship. The more one gives, the more one gets is a hard lesson evident in Eddie’s wartime experiences. Eddie and the other soldiers had to give up a lot. Eddie was being selfless by trying to help whoever was in the hut after they burned them down.”I’ll help you! Come out! I won’t shoo”(Albom 84). Eddie offered to help the little girl who was inside the hut. It was an act of selflessness. He was also asking her to come out, he won’t harm her, he just wanted to save her life. Eddie always has struggle with his life because of his injury. The Captain was telling Eddie that he shot his leg in the war to save his life.”I shot you, all right. “He said,” and you lost something, but you gained something as well. You just don’t know it yet. I gained something too”(Albom 94). The captain confessed to Eddie that he is the reason of his injury at the war. He shot him to save his life and not leaving him behind. Eddie has been suffering from the pain of losing his leg his whole entire life. The captain wanted him to understand why he had to shoot him and forgive him. Eddie was having trouble in his life when his love Marguerite died. Eddie has a deep feeling for h