
Good Customer Service

21 Pages 793 Words 1557 Views

As a server, experiencing many types of customers will make you either want pull out all your hair or be their best friend. Dealing with people and their personalities can sure bring out the best and worst in any of us, but it's the love for the job and, more importantly, the money that keeps us going. Obviously customers don't realize the things they say and do affects how well they are being served. But what is a customer? I thought about all the crazy things customers say and realized they just want a temporary babysitter, although it is fun and funny to deal with them sometimes. Although they love to push your buttons, a customer can be your needy, rude, and loving friend and business partner. A customer can be your friend. They make you laugh and help your job be a little easier than the what it really is. They ask you for advice on picking between hot and medium sauce or what's your favorite beer. I need some help figuring out what I want to eat; can you help me? I'm trying to feed my family of five; how many wings would be enough? Do you think I should add some fries with those too? My favorite liquor is Patron; can you tell me what drinks you have with Patron in it? Can you add an extra shot, too? Who do you think is going to win between The Saints and The Cowboys? Can I have another beer, sweet pea? I'm buying my son a gift card; how much do you think is enough? A customer will bet with you on get the next touchdown. A customer will wait patiently for that next beer. A customer will pay for next meal when you get off. A customer can be needy, rude, and inconsiderate. They ask may ask stupid questions. I want a diet coke. Go get me some napkins. My salad is cold. My Blazin' Hot Wings are too hot. I can't take the alcohol in my drink. Is my food almost ready? I changed my mind on my order; can I order something else? How much is this? Oh no, that's too much. Is water free? Do I get a discount on this item? I know I ate the whol

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