I live a pretty simple life. Not saying nothing happens in it or that I do not do anything to have fun, I am saying I live the cliché life that I am lucky for, and I will start my story from the beginning; starting with my parents. My parents met in high school, my mom moved when she was fifteen to Venice, FL, where my Dad grew up. My mom was a cheerleader while my dad played football, and though they did not tell me how they met I assume that is how. From what they tell me, my Dad had a big crush on my mom in high school, and even though my mom did not like my Dad in that way she dated him for two weeks than broke up with him. They continued being very good friends all throughout high school, hanging out with each other and their group of friends, they used to party a lot and do hooligan things with each other. After high school my Dad went off in the army, while my mom’s grades got her into the University of Florida. They did not have cell phones yet, so they wrote letters back and forth to each other while my Dad was away. I am not exactly sure when it happened but my Dad confessed his love for my mom, and said she needed to decide if she wanted him too or if they should go down separate paths. My mom chose my Dad, and they have been dating ever since. They got married in 1994 and had me in 1996. So basically I can make a love story out of my mom and my dad’s lives. Now for my life, I was born on March 17, 1996. When I came out a redhead it was quite a shock to everybody considering nobody else in my family does. The constant question “where’d you get your beautiful red hair?!” is always asked, and I never know what to say because I have no idea. My mom and my dad are both brunettes, but even though my hair color is different, I look exactly like my mom. I have my dad’s features, his eyes, his nose, his lips, but when it comes to a general look if I stand right next to my mom a lot of people say we pull off being sisters. I lived for two years a lonely child, and though I do not remember it, my mom said I was a really good child, barely cried, barely whined, I was a very content baby. On August 14, 1998, I was no longer an only child; my not so little now brother, Kyle, was born. I adored my baby brother. The pictures show it, when he was growing up I was always with him, holding his hand, giving him my blanket, and sharing everything with him. At one point, though, that changed. When I was in middle school, my personality changed completely, like everybody that is going through the “awkward stage” at that point, I did not really know how to act or anything. I went to the same school from kindergarten through eighth-grade. It was a small charter school called Island Village Montessori School, and I think that may have something to do with it. I became friends with the people I grew up with, it was a small group where only we hung out with each other. Kind of like the cliché snobby cliques in the movies. In seventh grade I got my first boyfriend. Erick Gasca, the cutest boy in the school. Everyone loved him, and I am not saying that just to make me look better, everyone had a problem with us dating because I was the awkward red head with braces and he was the tall muscular kid with tan skin and he had such a great personality, he was so funny. I loved being around him, whether we were dating or not. Kyle did not like that, he was always mad at me for bringing Erick home. He would always get mad at me, and whenever Erick and I would do as little as hold hands he was always there to yell at me. So I kind of started hating my brother. One night, Kyle and I got in our worst fight ever. He started telling my parents things to try and get me in trouble, like I was sneaking out at night to see Erick. So I got sick of it and started telling him off, calling him names, so he came up to me and tried to slap me in the face, and I punched him back. We got in this huge fist fight, I was the bigger sibling at the time, so I beat him pretty bad, and my Dad had to pry me off of him for me to stop. After that, I did not talk to him for a long time; I do not really remember Kyle in my life in the rest of my middle school life. I continued dating Erick, and hanging out with my friends, I was in Drama, and played softball. So I had the best life in middle school, I was basically the cliché popular high school girl you see in the movies, just in middle school. It wasn’t until two weeks after middle school was over I felt as if my life was falling apart, I had been dating Erick for almost two years when he cheated on me. He made out with another girl, and even though it does not sound as bad as it should, I was heartbroken.