
My Introduction to Yoga

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When first coming into this yoga class, I never before had instruction on the practice of yoga. My knowledge of yoga was limited to what exercises and flows that I found on the Internet and YouTube. I knew nothing about the history, the eight limbs, the philosophy and I did not have any real connection to myself or to my surroundings. One of our first assignments was to define what yoga was to us; my response to this was that yoga was the balance of the mind, body and surroundings; it is the ability to connect to ones self as well as their environment. Through this class I believe that I have achieved a level of yoga that fits that definition. Through learning about the history of yoga, I feel that I am much more connected to the practice itself than in the beginning when I was just walking into a class with only minimal knowledge of the poses. I feel that learning about artha, kama, dharma, and moksha have helped my better understand and connect with myself and realize my goals and allow myself to feel freedom my mind and worries. To discuss how the eight limbs have affected my life and personal practice I will write on them individually. In the Yamas, the most important divisions, personally to me, are Bramacharya and Apargraha. I tend to desire things in excess, such as chocolate, clothing, and even praise. I seek out praise in my workplace and in my everyday life. This goes along with my taking more than what I need as well as coveting others whom possess things that I desire to have. In relation to the second limb, the Niyamas, I have an issue with Santosha, I feel as if I am not allowing my self to be happy with what I have and cause myself greater suffering in my desire to obtain more. Until I am able to overcome these issues I will not be able to transcend into the further limbs, however, eventually I would like to be at enough peace with myself and my environment that I can reach Samadhi, or bliss. In relation to the anatomica

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