
Media and Law Enforcement

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The media and law enforcement really seems to have a very dysfunctional relationship. While there are many examples of where both media and law enforcement cooperate very well together, more often than not, the relationship tends to tilt to the negative side. This relationship has even gotten worse as an effect of the most recent events. The textbook says that the media’s main focus is to generate profits (Burns, 2013). With that mindset of always wanting to make money, the media will sometimes make decisions to reveal things to the general public that are not entirely true. As an effect, that could cause the public to lose respect for law enforcement. An example of this can be seen from the events that took place in Ferguson, Missouri where teen Michael Brown was shot and killed by a police officer and eventually led to riots in the streets. These events happened because multiple media outlets decided to tell the public details about the shooting before any actual investigation could figure out what happened. The media kept spitting out information about the incident that made the Ferguson police department look bad. The police department could not defend themselves from these accusations because they could not give out any information about an ongoing investigation. Furthermore, the rise of technological advancements like social media outlets, i.e. Facebook and Twitter, are potential dangers that are beyond the reach of traditional policing methods to plan for (Hanson, 2011). These social media outlets can allow for a flash mob to organize in no time and a potential crisis could spring up in the matter of hours (Hanson, 2011). These outlets also possible led to the organizations of the mobs of Ferguson and Ferguson P.D. was not fully prepared for the violence that occurred. There are however times where the media and law enforcement can work together positively. The best example of this is the fact that as of May 2011 the show Ame

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