How many of you are at the age when you can drive? How many of you own your own car? Based on a survey taken in 1995, the car population has been more than the human population. The Department of Transportation said, “the vehicle population of the United States has grown six times faster than the human population.” That is CRAZY! The source is The New York Times. Visit to read the full article. Although there are many advantages of having more than one car per family, there are many more disadvantages. The more cars a family owns, the more problems they will have to face. Having more than one car per family will risk the human health, bring social isolation, and lastly, create a higher chance of dealing with air pollution. Just think about it! Is it that necessary to own more than one car per family? Maybe you should think of more efficient ways of getting to your destination than using your car. Just think about it! The human health is something we should not mess with. If we do not take care of ourselves, we would not be able to get through with life. Cars make humans lazy. When we can walk to our destination, we take the car. When we want to get out of the house and get some fresh air, we take the car. When we can take the train or the bus for travelling, we take the car. Why so lazy? This laziness will increase the chance of obesity. There are two main reasons why Americans are obese. One is because they eat a lot of McDonalds or other greasy food, and two is because they have gotten LAZY! Another reason why too many cars are not good for us is because it creates social isolation. It is when people lose the connection they have as a community. That is because they do not feel the need of others. When they can finish something on their own, why should they ask for the help of others? It is a good sign that teenagers, or anyone else at any age group, have gotten more independent. But this independence is over the lim