The more I learn about the word community the less I feel like I know. When we were first given this assignment I was stumped as to who I should study. I’ve been a teacher for low-income families at Head Start, my best friend growing up came from a family who sponsored a Cambodian family and I have been to many of their cultural events. I wanted to look at something that was both new to me and also not a community based solely on similar geography. A community that took advantage of the technological era we now live in. The group of people I chose to study are writers, published writers to be more specific. I chose this group because they seem like such a solidary type of humans and yet they searched each other out from all over the world to become a “community” or, group of people who have similar interests and come together to support one another. I became aware of this group thanks to my neighbor and a man I now consider a friend. I am referring to Mister Garrett Cook, a gentleman who lives in my building a few doors down. He does not leave his apartment for weeks at a time. He will hide up in there writing for day after day. But one Thursday a month without fail, this man has put on a dapper suit and headed out, not to return until very late in the evening. Being the nosy person I am I finally asked him one time what he was going off to and he then told me about this writing class that he was a teacher at. These online meetings happen weekly and people join in if they are available. I am told there are close to 100 members online with the weekly average being around 20 people. The only real requirement to be a member of this groups seems to be having published work. All of these people are authors who has their work published on some level. Some have their own books, some wrote a piece featured in an anthology while others write for other types of media like magazines. So, I found out about this group from my neighbor and it seemed like such a lovely example of the word community so I decided to make them the object of my attentions. When we were given this assignment I saw a perfect opportunity to learn more about what goes on in this community of writers. On Monday February 16 I attended an online writing community workshop that was simply called The Writing Class. There were 18 members in attendance and each member had a webcam and their own little square on the screen. I really think this event represented the writing community as I understand