Thesis Asthma is a serious problem especially here in America. This drastic lung disease effects not only Adults, but children are being affected by what they cannot control. Asthma constantly affects the lives of children and their process of development. Man-made toxins and fossil fuels flow through the air causing constant damage to children and increasing their chances of having on set asthma in the future. This is to inform constant effects and correlations that triggers development of childhood asthma. Discussion What is Asthma? Asthma is a well-known household name to a majority of America’s population. As a common the name is, it is just as commonly diagnosed in the medical field. What is Asthma exactly? Asthma can be defined as a long-term lung disease that cause inflammation in the airways making it harder to breathe[ CITATION NIH14 l 1033 ]. Signs of asthma are coughing, tightening of the chest, shortness of breath, and wheezing[ CITATION NIH14 l 1033 ]. The airways into the lungs become very narrow while the surrounding muscles constrict[ CITATION NIH14 l 1033 ]t. These reactions make the air flow very limited, causing shortness in breath. Mild asthma symptom can be reduced with on hand treatments like asthma pumps[ CITATION NIH14 l 1033 ]. Severe asthma symptoms may require emergency treatment. Severe Asthma attacks could be fatal without professional treatment[ CITATION NIH14 l 1033 ]. Statically shown, more than 25 million people have asthma in America & 7 million of the 25 Million are Children. Asthma and Children Asthma Affects about 1-2 children out of 10. Asthma as well is hereditary, meaning the child has a parent or close relative who has or had asthma as a child. Allergy symptoms can start by small exposures to the allergen. Trigger points are main factors that can be a flare up form allergens like dust mites, mold, and pollen. The substances can cause an allergic reaction causing the child airways to constrict. The allergic reaction for dust mites is the reaction of the proteins within the bodies and feces of mites. These particles can be found in pillows, beds, carpet and furniture. An allergenic child can disrupt the areas where the dust mites are found just simply by walking past or siting on an infected surface. This causes the particles to float