My cousin Madison turned 14 years old last year and I visit her, my aunt and uncle on a weekly basis. I like it there better because, like myself, they would rather take a trip to the beautiful mountains to ski, or go to the beach to catch big waves rather than stay home watching T.V. As a kid, my family traveled whenever they got the chance because my mom worked for a travel agency and received great discounts. Our family took trips to great places such as beautiful San Francisco and Las Vegas. When the economy plummeted, my parents lost their jobs and couldn’t afford to anymore. My Dad hates to spend money so we don’t go anywhere that revolves around that subject. My Aunt loves to take vacations which is something that is always enjoyable because being at home can get quite boring. The down side of going over my Aunts house is that my little cousin and I bicker and argue constantly because she seems to always think she’s right and that the world is all sunshine and rainbows. We do get along most of the time and but have our moments from time to time and that is a fact of life, I don’t mind dealing with it when I have to. This past year we traveled to many places, such as Universal Studios and the beach, but since it’s the time of year where the beautiful white snow we love comes falling down from those great big snow clouds, we took a trip to the mountains and went skiing. Skiing is one of our favorite things to do when winter comes around. I am getting better at it every year we go. My Dad taught me how to ski as a kid and since then I have been skiing as long as I can remember. On the way to Massanutten ski resort, my excitement was as high as it could be since we haven’t been in years. My cousin Madison is still a beginner and doesn’t like to listen to anyone who tries to give her advice on how to get better and eventually go to the bigger slopes. She always skied with her Dad because he likes to go down the easy and