
Biography of Georg Riemann

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Recognized as one of the greatest mathematicians of the nineteenth century, Georg Riemann, more commonly known as Bernhard Riemann, made many enormous contributions to mathematics. Gauss even describes him as “ a creative, active truly mathematical mind, and of a gloriously ertile originality”(Flood and Wilson, 96). Born September 17th, 1826 to a poor Lutheran pastor in the small town of Breselenz, Germany, Georg Riemann quickly came to love mathematics. In 1840 Georg moved in with his grandmother to attend middle school and two years later when his grandmother died moved to Lueneburg to attend the Johanneum(high school). His instructor, recognizing his mathematical abilities, lent Georg advanced math books; who normally brought the books back in a few days to discuss them. In 1846, his father sent him the University of Göttingen, where he started to study philology and theology to take after his father. Regularly attending classes in mathematics, his father finally gave him permission to pursue his dream of becoming a mathematician. In 1847, he transferred to the University of Berlin and studied under many world renowned mathematicians such as Jacobi, Steiner, and Einstein; returning to Göttingen in 1849. On December 16th, 1851, Georg received his Ph.D. for his thesis complex function theory and Riemann surfaces. Georg soon became a professor at Göttingen after the death of Dirichlet in 1859. In June of 1862, he married Elise Koch, and had a daughter. July 20th, 1866 Georg Riemann died of Tuberculosis, on a trip to Italy(Hering). Being on of the leading mathematicians of the nineteenth century, Riemann introduced many ideas in complex and real analysis, differential geometry and, number theory. Probably the most famous of Riemann's published works Über die Hypothesen welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen ("On the hypotheses which underlie geometry”) introduces his theory of higher dimensions. In this paper Georg explains h

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